About Us


2010 Venerable Tulku Tenzin Gyatso Rinpoche Conferring Empowerment Based on HH Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche's Terma: Vajrakilaya "Neck Pouch Dagger" (Purba Gulkhukma) and Kurukulle Cycle 2010年尊貴的丹增嘉措活佛蒞臨美國,應喇嘛智美仁波切邀請授與法王伏藏之普巴金剛項帶金剛鐝與作明佛母灌頂


About DRDC
Dechen Rang Dharma Center (DRDC) was founded in San Jose, California in 2005 by Lama Drimed Rinpoche. Drimed Rinpoche came to the U.S. in 2003 at the request of his uncle, Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche, to help sustain and expand his enlightened activities by making connections with Buddhist practitioners in the West. DRDC is the first Dharma Center in the U.S. aiming at carrying the lineage of H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche, and focusing on transmitting the profound and precious teachings of the Nyingma tradition. DRDC maintains close affiliation with Sertha Larung Five Sciences Buddhist Academy and observes the annual convention held in the academy. Practitioners of DRDC have been simultaneously participating in the group practices of the four major annual retreats held in Larung Gar, thereby accumulating inconceivable, joint merits alongside the 20,000 sangha of Larung. DRDC has also invited the most revered teachers from around the world such as Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche, Yangthang Rinpoche, Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche, Getse Rinpoche, Tulku Tenzin Gyatso Rinpoche, Dudjom Yangsi Rinpoche, Khenpo Sodargye, and Khenchen Tsultrim Lodro Rinpoche, etc. to the center to give series of teachings and empowerments.
In 2018, DRDC Taiwan was founded at the request of Rinpoche's followers in Taiwan. Since then, Rinpoche has established curriculum and regular teachings for the sangha of DRDC Taiwan. Rinpoche also made annual trip in 2018 and 2019 to Taiwan in order to teach as well as conducting life release activities, hoping to help the Taiwanese sangha amass merits and wisdom. Even though COVID-19 has put the world on hold in most of 2020, it also serves as a conducive circumstance for the Taiwanese sangha to join the US sangha in the platform of virtual conferences for all of the teachings and practices held in the US.
Drimed Rinpoche's vast and profound aspirations are none other than propagating H.H.'s enlightened wisdom so as to help students progress in their listening, contemplating, and meditating. As DRDC is fast approaching the end of its second decade, We thank you for your past and on-going support that helps Rinpoche accomplish the lineage masters' enlightened intent. May all maximize their virtuous accumulation! May all attain Buddhahood!